This week has been the most stressful out of all the weeks so far in college. I’ve had assignments piled up and it’s also election time, which can be nerve-wracking. This week was also the week I voted for the first time and finally feel like an adult. Due to all the election buzz, I found myself focusing on the news and watching live streams rather than doing my work. However, I did manage to do my work on time and also stay updated. Some growth, I need to make is to prioritize what’s important to me right now, and I feel that I should improve my time management and organize my work load.
In this class, this week we focused on how to right a lab report and all the necessary steps that go in making one. My topic for the lab was to evaluate how covid has impacted student’s mental heath. Somethings I feel I did good in was getting research on how different factors that might contribute to the results. Some growths, I need is to have better time management, but also for the lab I want to get more people to participate in my survey so I can have a better representation of the data.